You go through so many scenarios in your head, woulda shoulda couldas are all you can think about. The fear of them moving on is terrifying and consumes your thoughts. You just want to know how to cope with it and move on.
Coping With A Break Up - Some Advice To Help
Distance - Try to put some distance between you and your ex. If you are still in contact it is much harder to accept that it is over. Being in each others company alot can lead to confusion and often someone being led on and sometimes even used. The best solution is to try and stay away from each other, putting space between you can help you both figure out exactly what you want.
Try Not To Obsess - Try not to over obsess about your ex, wondering who they are with and what they are doing, you will only drive yourself mad. Do not keep pestering them with phone calls and text messages, this can make coping with the break up much worse. Obsessive behaviour will push your ex further away and make relations between you deteriorate. You want to have as much self-respect as possible so you know that if you do meet them then you can hold your head high. Also the more you pester your ex the more they will try to avoid you.
Try to Remember the Negatives - When we are coping with a break up we tend to concentrate on all the positive aspects of the relationship, we look back at the relationship with rose coloured glasses, we tend to remember only the good things that happened and focus on what we miss most about the relationship. If you try to remember the less than perfect aspects of the relationship then it may be less painful. It may also help you understand how and why the relatinship ended.
Family and Friends - When coping with a break up, having your family and friends around you is very important. Being able to talk and share your problems is very therapeutic. Getting things out in the open can really help the healing process. Although to be careful not to go over the same stuff with the same people over and over again as this may put a strain on relationships.
It Is Alright to Cry - Don't feel ashamed or embarrassed to cry. Crying is a release, it will not cure your broken heart but it will help ease some of the pain.
Keep Busy - The best thing you can do is try to keep busy, the more time you have on your hands the more you will think about your ex. Try new hobbies, reconnect will friends just go out and have as much fun as you can.
Treat Yourself - There is nothing quite like pampering ourselves, especially when we're feeling down. Treat yourself to some of the things you love. Get some beauty treatments so you're looking your best, buy some new clothes, go on a holiday to unwind and get a great tan while your at it. If you look good on the outside you often feel much better on the inside.
Healing Time - Healing is a process which takes time, when we have been hurt very deeply it can take time to heal. Allow yourself this time, everybody heals in different ways and at different paces. Do not beat yourself up if it is taking longer to heal than you or anyone else thought it would. Also do not rush into another relationship too soon, you may still be on the rebound and this is not fair on anyone involved. As the saying goes time really is the best healer, so allow yourself plenty of it.
Coping with a break up is extremely difficult, when you have shared so much of your life with another person it can be hard to let go, above is some advice that can make this process that bit easier to deal with although if you need that bit more help or want to try and win your ex back The Magic Of Making Up is exactly what your looking for.
This amazing ebook has loads of great tips and advice on coping with a break up as well as tips and strategies you could use to get your ex back!
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