Break-ups are very difficult for everyone involved, but especicially so if you are the one who has had their heart broke. You feel rejected and unloved and spend most of your time wondering 'What can I do to get my ex girlfriend back'.
This is one of the most commonly asked questions by the newly single male. In fact you probably obsess about this, dreaming up and fantasing about all different scenarios in which you are re-united with your ex girlfriend. You constantly think about what you would say and do to make things right with her again.
You are not alone, this is exactly how anyone who has had their heart broke feels. The only difference is how you deal with it from here. You can obsess about woulda, shoulda, couldas until you make yourself sick, but it will not make things better, in fact this obsessive behaviour will more than likely make things worse. Constantly stressing and worrying about what you could have done differently is not good for you and it will not get your ex girlfriend back. It is actually this obssesiv behaviour that could push her further away.
The first thing you need to do when answering the 'What can I do to get my ex girlfriend back?' is to give her some time and space to figure out exactly what she wants. Directly after a break-up emotions are running high, she may need time to calm down before she can see things clearly. Staying in close contact with her may aggrevate the situation, you may end up arguing even more and neither of you will get a chance to cool down.
The best thing to do is to have a clean break for a while. Go out and have fun, make new freinds or re-connect with old ones, take up new hobbies and take some time out for yourself. Doing this will take your mind off your ex girlfriend for a while.
After some time apart you will be able to reassess the situation. Do you still want to get back with your ex girlfriend? Or would you rather move on? If you still want to get back with her now is the time to start taking some action. Doing it too soon after the break-up can make your ex feel smothered.
After this initial separation you can start to be a bit more direct when it comes to getting your ex girlfriend back. Chances are after a few months she will be starting to miss you too. Make casual contact, but still keep her at arms length. If you come on too strong you will only scare her away again, play it very cool and make her think you are not that interested. Let her think you are getting on fine without her, let her see what a full social life you now have and keep her waiting. Do not answer calls or text messsages straight away. She will now start to think that she has made a mistake and show much more interest in you.
Trying to figure out 'what can i do to get my ex firlfriend back' can be really difficult, it is so tempting to try to stay in contact with her as much as possible at the start, after all she has been your main focus for so long. But the most important thing to remember is to play it cool and make her see that you can manage well on your own.
These are just a few simple strategies you can try and put in place to get your ex girlfriend back. For much more detailed strategies on 'What can I do to get my ex girlfriend' back' click here
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What Can I Do To Get My Ex Girlfriend Back |
Here you will find some great tips and videos that will help you get your ex girlfriend back. The Magic of Making Up was written by TW Jackson who is just a regular guy who has a wealth of personal experience on helping to get relatinships back on track. He has put together some amazing strategies that really work.
If you've had your heart broke you will be willing to do anything to get back together with your ex, and there is so many products claiming to be able to help, but rarely many do. This is a proven method that works, take it from somebody who followed the startegies in The Magic of Making Up and won their ex back!!
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